The EcoMuvi Standard offers concrete practices for the sustainable development of audiovisual productions, addressing all technical and professional aspects of the industry. Its goal is to reduce the social, economic, and environmental impact of productions, with compensation measures considered only as a last resort.
With the EcoMuvi standard and method, production teams can accurately forecast consumption and resource needs, enabling tailored sustainability strategies for each project. The Standard evaluates both qualitative and quantitative impacts, creating a specific sustainability policy that adapts to the unique requirements of each audiovisual production, with clearly defined, achievable goals based on available resources and project activities.
The EcoMuvi standard reduces the emission of GHG gases from audiovisual productions through careful management of activities and consumption.
Reduced tons of CO2eq
The adoption of the EcoMuvi Protocol also results in considerable financial savings.
Economic savings
The careful analysis of the necessary resources, scheduling and efficiency of energy consumption make it possible to prevent waste and achieve significant energy savings.
Energy savings
EcoMuvi promotes the use of second-hand or rented resources and the reintroduction of end-of-process tools and materials back into the market.
Reclaimed material resources
With the EcoMuvi standard, all actions are planned for waste management and to minimize production waste.
Waste management
The EcoMuvi standard also promotes social sustainability by fostering the sharing of cultural knowledge, encouraging open communication among all participants, ensuring inclusiveness, and aligning everyone toward common goals.
Positively impacted communities